Handsfree Ear Training

This website is dedicated to ear training and music theory exercises

These exercises do not require you to be looking at the phone during the exercise and after setting up the excercise parameters, answeres will be annouced 3 seconds after the notes has been played. You can use this website when you exercise or walk.


This website has the following exercises and others will follow in the future. I'm open to any feedback to fix bugs or add new features.

  • Intervals identification: allows you to set a training session for X time and generate random intervals for you to identify.
  • Modes identification: allows you to set a training session for X time and generate random modes for you to identify during that time.
  • Chords identification: allows you to set a training session for X time and generate random chords for you to identify during that time.
  • Chords progression identification: allows you to set a training session for X time and generate random chords progressions for you to identify during that time.